Innovation is part of our DNA and a prerequisite for continued growth. Our development towards Industry 4.0 entails a permanent search for new employees. Each year we employ, on average, 150 new employees with the most diverse backgrounds and qualifications. In addition, we also have a structural collaboration with the world of academia and research in order to keep pushing the boundaries of steel production.
Industry 4.0 as our mindset for ‘Steel plant of the future’
Our strength lies in our capacity to innovate and to keep pushing the boundaries of steel production. In this context, we are committed to ‘Industry 4.0’ or the fourth industrial revolution. Industry 4.0 will fundamentally change our production methods in the coming years. We have what it takes to be the frontrunner in terms of innovation: highly qualified employees, technologically advanced installations and strongly automated processes. In addition, we collaborate with various research centres inside ArcelorMittal and within the academic world to develop new types of steel and new coatings.
Trends Digital Pioneers Award
The colleagues of our Sidgal hot dip galvanising line and of the industrial automation and models department are committed to achieve the far-reaching digitisation of their quality control and production reporting. On 21 November 2018, it earned them the Trends ‘Digital Pioneers’ award. The award rewards companies who are successful in implementing digital transformation.
New ways of working require additional talent
Our path towards Industry 4.0 also entails a permanent search for new employees. Each year we are looking for 150 new employees with the most diverse backgrounds and qualifications. In order to step up the search, we developed quite a few new and innovative initiatives.
Collaboration with the academic and research world
ArcelorMittal Belgium relies on over 500 engineers working in production or maintenance, or dedicated to IT, automation, engineering or research and development, in a domestic or international environment. They, for example, develop mathematical models to improve the business processes, industrialise new products, improve the metallurgic quality of the steel products, refine the production process and co-ordinate maintenance and automation projects.
The collaboration will give a strong impulse to value creation through innovation and will guarantee the inflow of new insights and motivated knowledge employees.
Collaboration with the academic world
Collaboration with Research and Development: proximity of OCAS and CRM
In Liege we work in close collaboration with the CRM group (Centre de Recherche Métallurgique). Together, we were able, among other things, to launch a revolutionary new installation in 2017: the Jet Vapour Deposition. The pioneering JVD technology coats steel inside a vacuum chamber by spraying zinc onto the steel sheet at high speed. The line, which was inaugurated in early 2017, was the result of eight years of hard work by ArcelorMittal and the CRM group.
Our ArcelorMittal site in Ghent has been in a collaboration with the OCAS research centre for several years. OCAS is a market-oriented research centre that offers metal-based solutions and result-oriented services to metal producing and metal processing companies around the world. It is a joint venture between ArcelorMittal and the Flemish Region.